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Who are we? :: Our mission statement

The Tulane Hullabaloo is the eyes and ears of the Tulane community. It is the primary source of campus information for the students faculty, staff, alumni and friends of Tulane University.

Each issue contains the news events, student achievements and general interest issues that affect the daily campus life.

It is the duty of every Hullabaloo staff member to contribute as best they can to the weekly portrait of the University this organization accurately and completely paints.

Who do we reach? :: A $900 Million Market

The Tulane Hullabaloo is the weekly newspaper of Tulane University and is distributed every Friday of the academic year, except for holidays and examination periods.

An advertisement in The Tulane Hullabaloo is the most effective way to reach more than 11,000 students representing 48 states and 60 foreign countries, and the 4,700 faculty, staff and administrators who comprise the University market, in addition to the tremendous number of outside readers and subscribers who turn to The Hullabaloo on a weekly basis.

Furthermore, Tulane University is the largest private employer in New Orleans and has an annual operating budget of $450 Million. Tulane’s economic impact in New Orleans has been estimated at $841 Million annually.

How do we reach them? :: 4,000 copies a week

The minimum press run of The Tulane Hullabaloo is 4,000 copies per week, which effectively saturates the entire Tulane market.
The Tulane Hullabaloo is readily available to all members of the Tulane community and the uptown New Orleans area. The Tulane Hullabaloo is distributed to:

- Tulane’s uptown campus, including the Tulane University Center, administrative and academic buildings;
- Numerous subscriptions across the country

The Tulane Hullabaloo Online averages 6,000 sessions per week, with 20,000 page views. The Hullabaloo Online is available to anyone with Internet access, reaching the Tulane Community, the United States and the rest of the world.

Contact Information :: Download our Rate Card

Click Here.

The Tulane Hullabaloo mailing address:

Lavin-Bernick Center, Room G06
New Orleans, LA 70118

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