Reality check for Johnson

By Tulane Hullabaloo | Section: Nov 12th, 2004 Views


” color: black; font-family: Times New Roman;”>Dear

” color: black; font-family: Times New Roman;”> 

” color: black; font-family: Times New Roman;”>I consider myself
pretty liberal – definitely a member of the Left — and,
according to Chris Johnson in “Reality check for the
Left” in the Nov. 5 issue of the “Hullabaloo,” in
need of a “reality check.”  I’m happy to say
that I’ve had one. After some soul-searching, I’ve
decided that I agree with Republican ideology. Their support of
less taxes, states’ rights and smaller government is not
misguided, as my fellow liberals would have you believe; rather, it
is the path toward American greatness.


I am a liberal and I believe in less taxes.
I want massive reductions in the federal income tax, because it
stifles growth. Specifically, it stifles the growth of my home
state of Connecticut, which receives only $0.64 in federal money
for every dollar of federal taxes it pays. Sen. Kerry’s
Massachusetts receives $0.79 per dollar. New Jersey and New
Hampshire receive $0.62 and $0.69, respectively. Both California
and New York receive $0.81. I’ve never given much credit to
Republicans who say the people can spend their money better than
the government can, but then I found out where my money is spent.
For every dollar in federal income tax they pay, Arkansas receives
$1.53, Alabama receives $1.61 and Mississippi receives a whopping
$1.84. Apparently red states can spend the blue states’ money
better than they can.

” color: black; font-family: Times New Roman;”> 

” color: black; font-family: Times New Roman;”>I am also now a
believer in states’ rights. Republicans don’t want Big
Brother coming around their states and telling them what to do, and
neither do I. So I am confident that when New England, the Upper
Midwest, and the West Coast legislate and uphold gender, minority,
and gay rights, President Bush and those “activist
judges” on the Supreme Court will respect states’
rights like true Republicans always do (except in the 2000
election, when Republicans asked the U.S. Supreme Court to overrule
the state Supreme Court in Florida and stop the

” color: black; font-family: Times New Roman;”> 

” color: black; font-family: Times New Roman;”>Conservative
activist Grover Norquist says his goal is to shrink government
“down to the size where we can drown it in the
bathtub.”  I’m with you, Grover. I’m through
with the government blowing my money. I’m tired of the
government waging war in my name. I’m fed up with Uncle Sam
putting his hand in my pocket and his nose in my business, as he
turns his back on those of us who are footing his bills. And even
though Republicans will have more control over the federal
government than ever before, I’m confident they’ll
stick to their beliefs and curtail their own power for the benefit
of the states and, ultimately, the people.

” color: black; font-family: Times New Roman;”> 

” color: black; font-family: Times New Roman;”>J. Alex

” color: black; font-family: Times New Roman;”>Tulane style=
” color: black; font-family: Times New Roman;”>College style=
” color: black; font-family: Times New Roman;”>senior

” color: black; font-family: Times New Roman;”>

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